About us

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Who we are?

APM Allied Peoples’ Movement

The Allied Peoples’ Movement as a registered political party in Nigeria has come to offer Nigerians a real change and new direction in the
governance of Nigeria.

The APM shall be a peoplecentered party. It shall exist solely for the advancement of the welfare of Nigerian people and shall ensure that public resources are spent on the people to make them live decent and prosperous lives.
Governance shall be institutionalized through well defined systems, procedures and processes with inclusive participation of the citizens for
ownership, sustainability and continuity.
The public-private partnership initiative would be explored as a mechanism for a holistic approach to sustainable national industrial and economic
development, recognizing the contribution of the informal sector.
Public and Civil Service reforms shall be vigorously pursued and good labour relationship maintained with honesty and transparency to encourage productivity and uphold the dignity in labour.

The political development of the country will be nourished through ethical democratic processes and practices with respect for the rule of law, and
recourse to justice and fairness.
Job creation and empowerment initiatives shall be institutionalized with the collaboration of all stakeholders to mitigate unemployment and unemployability.
The participation of all citizens in the affairs of our country across social status and gender shall be legitimized to provide level playing ground for all to contribute to the development of the country.

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